Heage Windmill Update for Visitors - Change to Opening Times
Now that the sails and cap have been safely removed from the windmill, work to replace the sheer timbers (and other repairs) are progressing well at ground level. The first new sheer is in place and the second will soon be ready to install.
Whilst the work is being carried out, the windmill remains open to visitors who can inspect the work up close. There is no charge to visit the site but donations are always welcomed. Our optional guided tours of the inside of the windmill will still be offered. However, from the 26th August the windmill will not open on Saturdays allowing some of our dedicated volunteers to support the repair and refurbishment work.
Why not drop in and see the work being done first hand? We are open on Sunday (27th August) and Bank Holiday Monday (28th August) and every Sunday until further notice. Our planned Vintage Tractor event (10th September) and Classic Motorcycles event (24th September) will go ahead.
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