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Busy December sees 106 e-scooters seized from Derbyshire streets

Published on Thursday 16 January 2025

Police Officers have continued to take action against those using e-scooters illegally, with a further 106 seized in December.

This brings the total number of e-scooters seized to 205 since Derbyshire Police adopted an approach of seizing at first offence at the start of November.

The action has taken place around the county, from Derby to Chesterfield, with the majority of seizures in Derby city centre and surrounding suburbs.

The change in policy saw officers no longer needing to warn e-scooter riders on their first offence, and instead seize the vehicle which is being used illegally.

PCSOs have also been granted the power to seize and deal with e-scooters as part of our commitment to tackling this issue, which has been frequently raised as a concern in community surveys, meetings and mentioned to officers on patrol.

The law regarding e-scooters can be found on the website: Powered transporters - GOV.UK.

It is illegal to ride privately owned e-scooters on public land, such as roads, cycle lanes or pavements as riders cannot get insurance and meet other requirements.

Superintendent James Thompson said: “This new approach has had a successful first two months, we want to make sure that the message gets out there to prevent innocent buyers from being left out of pocket and make it clear that those using our roads and pavements illegally will face consequences.

“Our Safer Neighbourhood Teams will continue to proactively work to seize e-scooters – as well as making sure our communities are aware of the law.”

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