One year anniversary of Belper Leisure Centre partnership means a bright future for local community
Twelve months after Belper Leisure Centre found itself in a financially deficit position and facing potential closure its new Operator and the Leader of Amber Valley Borough Council have spoken about the bright future ahead for the popular health and fitness venue.
In August 2023, Trilogy Active took over management of the Centre. In that time, it has introduced a business recovery plan which after a great deal of hard work has ensured the leisure centre is now in a financially stable position and focusing on development.
“Just one year ago the future of Belper Leisure Centre was under real threat.” said John Flecther, the Managing Director of Trilogy Active who operates health and fitness venues across the Midlands. “Now twelve months later, working in partnership with local groups, the greatly valued centre has a very exciting future.”
“We could not have done it without the support of our recovery plan from the Leisure Centre team, the local community, Amber Valley Borough Council, Belper Town Council and Belper School and Sixth Form.” he said.
Trilogy Active’s work has focussed on making changes to reduce expenditure, by specifically targeting utilities. They are now concentrating on new income streams and on product development in the gym, the expansion of the swim school and Junior Active membership to ensure the site delivers a positive surplus that will be re-invested into the Leisure Centre.
“Belper Leisure Centre provides valuable health and wellbeing services to our community, and it's fantastic to see the progress made since Trilogy Active took over.” said Cllr Chris Emmas-Williams, the Leader of Amber Valley Borough Council. “It was a difficult time for us all but the hard work over the past year has really paid off, and it's great to see the centre moving towards a bright and sustainable future. We're excited to have been part of that journey and see how it continues to benefit local residents and support active lifestyles for years to come.”
“As a not-for-profit charity and social enterprise our aim is to get more people active.” John Fletcher continued. “In the months ahead, we will continue to work closely with the local community and stakeholders to maximise the use of the centre and ensure the facilities are available for all those who want to come and enjoy them.”
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