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Belper man wins award for classic French car

Published on Saturday 15 June 2024

David Carroll from Belper has won an award for his classic 1984 Citroën BX.

David collected a Masters of the Marque award at the Voitures Francaises event held at Derbyshire’s Great British Car Journey museum. 

Having owned his 40-year-old classic Citroën BX for just six months, David was delighted to win the award. 

The 1980s French classic car has all but disappeared from the UKs roads. Just 243 Citroen BX’s have a valid MOT despite more than 2.3 million being sold worldwide by the French manufacturer. 

Considered revolutionary at the time, the Citroen BX, featured a hydropneumatic self-levelling suspension. Manufactured from 1982 to 1994, the BX was one of the best-selling Citroëns of all time.

David was one of three winners at the Voitures Francaises event which celebrated all things French in the world of classic cars. The packed event attracted more than 200 classic French car owners from all over the UK.

The Masters of the Marque awards, which are sponsored by Wera Tools UK and organised by the award-winning classic car museum, honour people like David, who cherish their classic cars.

Museum founder Richard Usher commented: “The awards follow the slightly quirky nature of the museum. I wanted to give classic car owners an incentive to visit us when we promote days celebrating specific British cars and I am delighted that Wera, who make a massive range of top-class tools, have decided to support the awards.”

The overall winner at each event receives a year’s membership of Great British Car Club, an engraved glass trophy and a selection of Wera tools.   

All entrants to Masters of the Marque events receive a commemorative plaque, and entry is £10 per car which gives the driver free entry to the museum and all facilities.

There are currently several Masters of the Marque events scheduled until the end of the year at Great British Car Journey.

23 June                             Reliant Regatta
14 July                               MG Summer Festival
18 August                         Show Your Rootes  

Register to attend the Masters of the Marque events and buy discounted advance tickets at

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