Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Policy Statement - Have Your Say
Communities are being given the chance to help shape Derbyshire County Council’s approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) by giving their views in a consultation which has now been launched.
The consultation centres around a proposed new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion statement and four new equality objectives which are being updated by the council and will replace its existing 2018 policy and 2022 strategy in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion.
The new proposed EDI statement and four equality objectives have been drawn up following discussions with a range of county council employees, county councillors and community-based equality groups and organisations.
The proposed statement for equality, diversity and inclusion is:
`Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Derbyshire means that all colleagues and our communities will have a voice, ensuring we listen and engage, shape and respond to enable an inclusive culture. As a result, our inclusive culture will enable improved delivery to our communities’.
People taking part in the EDI consultation which runs until Friday 5 April, will be asked how strongly they agree or disagree with the statement and why, and given the opportunity to make suggestions.
They are also asked how strongly they agree or disagree with the proposed objectives which are detailed as part of the consultation questionnaire.
Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Carol Hart said: “It is important that we have an up-to-date approach and clear objectives for equality, diversity and inclusion, which will be a thread through all the council’s work and thinking. I’d encourage people to take part in the consultation and help to shape this work.”
As well as the online questionnaire, the council is also planning a range of specific events with equality-based groups to discuss the proposals and gain views. Details will shortly be announced.
Once the consultation closes all the views will be considered and the EDI statement and equality objectives will be reviewed before a final version is proposed for adoption by the council’s Cabinet.
An easy read version of the consultation is available, and the questionnaire is available as a paper copy or in other formats. For more information about the consultation or to request a questionnaire in other formats email Equality.&Diversity@derbyshire.gov.uk
Article by Derbyshire County Council
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