Flooding Forces Move For Derby Concert
Sinfonia Viva, the Derby-based orchestra of the East Midlands, has had to move the location of a forthcoming concert due to flood damage at the Museum of Making.
The afternoon concert, entitled ‘Pictures At An Exhibition’ will now be held at Derby Museum & Art Gallery in The Wardwick on Friday November 17, starting at 2pm.
To celebrate our new partnership with Derby Museums, Sinfonia Viva oboist Maddy Aldis-Evans has written a brand-new piece inspired by one of the Museum of Making’s standout exhibits - its famous historic loom.
The world premiere of the Maddy’s piece, entitled ‘Woven’ will be followed by Mussorgky’s famous and hugely popular ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’ arranged for wind quintet.
Mussorgsky created the piece after visiting an exhibition of works by the architect and artist Viktor Hartmann, with each movement representing one of the drawings. In this performance our musicians move through this imaginary art gallery, drawing out the beauty and intrigue of the music.
Maddy Aldis-Evans said: “I took the idea for the music from a piece of woven fabric. A loom in working order has a certain sound and rhythm to what it does and it is creating something out of different strands. What people will hear when they are listening to this piece of music is the individual strands of the warp and the weft combining together to make up that whole piece of woven fabric."
Sinfonia Viva CEO Lucy Galliard continued: “Having played recently under Museum of the Moon at Derby Cathedral to a sell-out audience, we were so looking forward to playing our first classical music concert at Museum of Making to mark our new partnership with Derby Museums.
“Everyone here was gutted to learn that the museum had fallen victim to Storm Babet and our thoughts are with the whole team at Derby Museums who are working so hard to repair the damage caused by the flooding.
“We are very grateful to Derby Museums for working so quickly to find us another space in the former library and Grade II listed building on The Wardwick which is part of the Derby Museum and Art Gallery. With its beautiful glass atrium and ornate mezzanine, it will be an intimate and atmospheric venue for this concert.
“I hope that concert goers will show support for our wonderful historic spaces that we can still access this Autumn and take this opportunity to enjoy the world premiere of ‘Woven’ as well as the timeless classic ‘Pictures At An Exhibition’.
For more information and to buy tickets for the concert on Friday November 17, please visit https://www.sinfoniaviva.co.uk/Event/pictures
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