Crich Trefoil Guild
Categories: Clubs Social And Associations
Phone: | 01773 852460 |
The Trefoil Guild in Crich will be 40 years old this November and it's still going strong! Trefoil Guild is an organisation of people (mostly women!) who wish to support the Guide movement both in Britain and worldwide. Many of us were actively involved in running Ranger, Guide, Brownie, or Rainbow groups when we were a bit younger and slightly more energetic, but anyone can be a member provided they make (or have made) the Guide promise. In Crich, unfortunately, we no longer have any units for girls only, although when the Guides closed down a few years ago, the Scouts in Crich opened their doors to girl members, so there is still a local organisation founded by Baden-Powell that young people can join in our village. We have raised money for Guiding overseas with quiz competitions and other fund-raising events. At least two of our members regularly travel overseas to International Scout and Guide Fellowship events or to visit our World Centres. The most recent overseas visit was to Poland for an ISGF Conference by two of our members. Another of our members is an expert orienteer and her expertise has been used at weekend camps with Guides in Matlock to teach the girls the skills of orienteering.
Crich Trefoil meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Glebe and our programme is a mixed one of visiting speakers, outings (we visited the County Archives in March) and "quiet" evenings doing craft etc. In the Autumn we will be welcoming Paddy Cooke who will tell us about the history of organ grinding; doing handicrafts; celebrating our 40th anniversary and meeting up for a Christmas meal together.
For more details of Crich Trefoil Guild, contact Di Fretwell (Secretary) on 01773-852460
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